3PR - Three-Point Rate
Percentage of field goal attempts which are three-point attempts

AST% - Assist Percent
100 * AST / (((MP / (Tm MP / 5)) * Tm FG) - FG)
Assist percentage is an estimate of the percentage of teammate field goals a player assisted while he was on the floor.

BLK% - Block Percent
100 * (BLK * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Opp FGA - Opp 3PA))
Block percentage is an estimate of the percentage of opponent's two-point field goal attempts blocked by the player while he was on the floor.

BPM  - Box Plus Minus
BPM is a box score-based metric for evaluating basketball players' quality and contribution to the team. BPM relies on a player's box score information and the team's overall performance to estimate a player's performance relative to league average. BPM is a per-100-possession stat, the same scale as Adjusted Plus/Minus: 0.0 is league average, +5 means the player is 5 points better than an average player over 100 possessions

DRE  - Daily RAPM Estimate
DRE was developed by Kevin Ferrigan over at Nylon Calculus (basketball stat nerd website) to create an estimate of ESPN's super complex Real Plus-Minus (AKA Regularised Adjusted Plus-Minus or RAPM). Essentially DRE indicates how many additional points are contributed to a team's scoring margin by a given player in comparison to the NBL-average player (whose adjusted plus-minus is  0) over the span of a game. For example, a player with a DRE score of +2 is on the floor with 4 other average teammates, his team will average about 2 points better per game than 5 average players would.

dRAT - Defensive Rating
Points allowed per 100 possessions. This rating was developed by Dean Oliver, author of Basketball on Paper. Please see the article Calculating Individual Offensive and Defensive Ratings for more information.

dREB% - Defensive Rebound Percent
100 * (DRB * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm DRB +Opp ORB))
Defensive rebound percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available defensive rebounds a player grabbed while he was on the floor.

eFG% - Effective Field Goal Percent
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA.
This statistic adjusts for the fact that a 3-point field goal is worth one more point than a 2-point field goal. For example, suppose Player A goes 4 for 10 with 2 threes, while Player B goes 5 for 10 with 0 threes. Each player would have 10 points from field goals, and thus would have the same effective field goal percentage (50%).

FTR - Free Throw Rate
Percentage of field goal attempts that result in a free throw. Does not factor in free throws earned when a team is in the bonus.

NetRAT - Net Rating
Points scored per 100 possessions minus points allowed per 100 possessions

oRAT - Offensive Rating
Points scored per 100 possessions. This rating was developed by Dean Oliver, author of Basketball on Paper. Please see the article Calculating Individual Offensive and Defensive Ratings for more information.

oREB% - Offensive Rebound Percent
100 * (ORB * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm ORB +Opp DRB))
Offensive rebound percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available offensive rebounds a player grabbed while he was on the floor.

[200/(Team Minutes)]*(Team Possessions + Opponent Possessions)/2
The number of possessions a team uses in a game. The 200 in the formula represents the total game length for all players (5 x 40mins). Because there are NBL seasons that had a game length of 48 minutes, these seasons use 240 (5 x 48) instead.

PER  - Player Efficiency Rating
PER is a rating developed by ESPN.com columnist John Hollinger. In John's words, "The PER sums up all a player's positive accomplishments, subtracts the negative accomplishments, and returns a per-minute rating of a player's performance." Please see this article on Calculating PER for more information.

PPS - Points Per Shot
A measure of the scoring efficiency of a player.

STL% - Steal Percent
100 * (STL * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * Opp Poss)
Steal Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of opponent possessions that end with a steal by the player while he was on the floor.

TOV% - Turnover Percent
100 * TOV / (FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV)
Turnover percentage is an estimate of turnovers per 100 plays.

tREB% - Total Rebound Percent
100 * (TRB * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm TRB + OppTRB))
Total rebound percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available rebounds a player grabbed while he was on the floor.

TS% - True Shooting Percent
PTS / (2 * ( FGA + 0.44 * FTA)).
True shooting percentage is a measure of shooting efficiency that takes into account field goals, 3-point field goals, and free throws.

USG% - Usage Rate
100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm FGA + 0.44 * Tm FTA + Tm TOV))
Usage percentage is an estimate of the percentage of team plays used by a player while he was on the floor.

VORP  - Value Over Replacement Player
VORP converts the BPM rate into an estimate of each player's overall contribution to the team, measured vs. what a theoretical "replacement player" would provide, where the "replacement player" is defined as a player on minimum salary or not a normal member of a team's rotation.